Записи с темой: ЦитатЫ (125)

I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Некоторые ревью - такие ревью!

I associate M/M Romance with porn. It's evil, but I just do. Maybe because I assume that gay characters often don't have the same angsty problems many F/M couples have

И правда - ведь гетные пары у нас так дискриминируют, вот у них-то ангстовые проблемы уж точно! :lol:

@темы: цитаты, people (are crazy)


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
И в этом романчике, который я читаю по вечерам и на пляже, все было хорошо, пока главный орган не назвали 'one-eyed trouser snake'.
Бляяяяяя, афффтар, зачеееееееем?? Откуда???

@темы: books, цитаты, ужоснах


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Так вот встречаешь некоторые комменты к книшшкам на гудридсах и упс - :aaa: Понятно, что каждому свое и о вкусах не спорят, но когда то, что у меня вызывает приступы ненависти к автору, кто-то рассматривает, как плюс... :-D

I am so tired of jealousy/monogamy being presented as a positive/necessary element in romances. It's not that I hate it, after all, jealousy is human. But I do get weary of what seems to be an implied approval of it. As if jealousy, possessiveness, and/or monogamy is proof of love. While I'd never suggest that authors should stop writing it (who's to say that jealousy as a kink is worse than any other, and clearly, many readers love it), it was refreshing to hear about two guys who were neither monogamous nor jealous about it and I appreciate that the authors were able to show how sexy it can be when people treat the presence of other dick as irrelevant to what the characters have between them.

@темы: books, цитаты, ужоснах


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Fanfic has ruined proper books for me. I keep reading and I’m like where is all the gay sex. ©

:weep3: Даааааааааа!

@темы: Фанфики, цитаты, моска.нет


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Отличная цитатка на тумблере попалась: I like my men with cocks in their asses and come in their mouth.
So fucking true! :lol:

Ну и чтоб два раза не флудить...

Shieldhusbands: Coulson and Clint


@темы: цитаты, Avengers


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Ревью на слэшные книжки от цивилов отжигают с жестокой страшной силой :lol:

and Anderson shows in-depth gay connection between the men


@темы: books, цитаты


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
The only complaint I have is the excessive amount of sex in a few of the stories. It sort of ruined my enjoyment of this Anthology! ©
:uzhos: Кто эти люди???

@темы: цитаты, ужоснах


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
У кого-то на гудридсах такой же баттхерт, как и у меня, по поводу Special Forces, но ревью прямо ппксное от и до :laugh:

That’s how I feel. The story in ‘Mercenaries’ and ‘Veterans’ feels like a betrayal.
SF- Soldiers was incredible, not just a slice of real life. It was, first and foremost, a grand and magnificent love story. It described a love so extraordinary, so beautiful in its brutality and intensity, I was crying for days afterwards.
However, reading the Mercenaries cycle was like a punch to the stomach. What you get is a promiscuous Mad Dog with hardly any morals or sense of caring towards Vadim. Dan completely shattered me. The way Dan can supposedly separate love from sex (by which one means lots and lots of sex with anyone and everyone available) is plain creepy. What made their love so special in the first book, Soldiers, was their complete focus on and devotion to each other. But, in the Mercenaries cycle, and later Veterans, Dan is spending almost all his time and energy fucking everything in sight, especially Jean, which obviously leaves him hardly any time or energy to devote to Vadim.
He keeps saying that everything is about Vadim.
But, actions speak louder than words. When confronted with situations where he has a choice between Vadim and Jean (or anyone else, for that matter), he always chooses Jean (or whoever else the other one is). Not once does he make Vadim or Vadim’s pleasure his priority.
To think that Katya was right about Dan all along – that he was a worthless piece of s***. He didn’t even have the decency to admit to his love for Jean and set Vadim free (especially since Vadim could never gain the courage to demand monogamy from Dan although that was what Vadim really wanted).
Look at all the damning evidence.
During the run-up to his wedding, Dan has eyes only for Jean. He is passionately kissing and making out with Jean and not giving a damn about Vadim or where he is. He is fucking Jean like crazy but on his wedding night, he cannot even get it up for Vadim. What a way to treat his supposed true love.
I mean, the magnitude of selfishness and cruelty towards Vadim that he displays is astounding. UNFORGIV ABLE!!! He is so far gone, I can’t see a redemption for him.
Please, please, please, I beg of you, please give us an alternative version of events from the time Vadim returns to Dan after two and a half years.
Please either let Dan and Vadim rediscover that brutal and beautiful love they shared in Afghanistan. Let them feel anew that searing intensity that was totally reserved for each other.
Or, if you can’t find it in your heart to change Dan, at least let Vadim get over him. Don’t let him be a fucking doormat simply waiting for Dan to dole out crumbs when he can manage to tear himself away from Jean. Please take Dan out of the picture - his story is finished since he has found his soulmate in Jean, its Vadim who has been left standing all alone in the end, his entire life laid waste. Because, maybe, their relationship ran its course the day Vadim ran out on Dan after being released from captivity. Because Vadim deserves so much more. He deserves someone who’ll love him unconditionally, with his whole body and soul (most definitely without eyeing others). It obviously can’t be Hooch since he has found true love with Matt. Let someone new come into his life who will give Vadim what he needs.
Please give something for all of us romantics out there.

@темы: books, цитаты


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Российские сайты как напишут - так напишут! :facepalm:

"теперь, после коминг-аута Куинто, жест Спока – традиционное вулканское приветствие, ставшее опознавательным приветствием треккеров, - может приобрести гомосексуальные коннотации и будет подхвачено гейской культурой." ©


@темы: цитаты, people (are crazy)


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Утащила у Вайпер ссылку - отличный пост!!!

1. Disliking M/M pairings in fiction does not make you homophobic.
Everyone has their own preferences, and that’s fine. Some people don’t care for het pairings, but that doesn’t mean they have a problem with heterosexuality in real life, and the same works in reverse.

2. Saying that M/M pairings — or any pairings, for that matter — are “disrespectful” to characters is balls-out motherfucking ridiculous.
Newsflash: fictional characters don’t have feelings and can’t be disrespected, no matter how much you think so. Yes, I know, it is so very sad to see your favorite character in a situation you don’t like, but you will have to suck it up and move on with your life. Real people CAN be disrespected, and it’s just plain rude to say something like that about a fanwork they created. Hell, it’s also fucking terrible to say that because it’s m/m, it’s disrespectful. Get real: heterosexuality is not “normal”, it is just “common”, and I don’t want to see shit about gay pairings being disrespectful to your poor “straight” male characters. Even if someone is interpreting a character’s sexual orientation differently, how is it hurting you?

3. There is het everywhere. Repeat after me: everywhere.
I’m sick of people whining about how slash pairings are ruining their lives, how they can’t find any het, why can’t two characters be straight anymore!!! They can, shithead. It’s likely that in whatever canon you’re a fan of, there are heterosexual overtones somewhere. In. Canon. If you’re going to bitch about going against canon then you better throw out every fanwork you’ve ever seen. Sexuality is just another aspect of it that fans are welcome to interpret — and hey, guess what: sexuality is not black and white. A male being interested in girls doesn’t make him heterosexual. It might! But interest in girls does not necessarily mean a lack of interest in boys. Being stereotypically masculine certainly doesn’t make him anything at all. Dressing a certain way doesn’t make him anything at all either. There are such things as bisexuality and pansexuality, and people identify as these in real life, and I’m sure they don’t appreciate having their orientations delegitimized by some asshole who’s under the delusion that their poor precious character can only be straight because a girl’s breasts flustered him in canon.

You are welcome to your beliefs. If you think someone is straight, that’s great. If you think someone is gay or bi or pan or asexual, that’s great too. No one is being shamed for liking anything — and if you feel outcast because you prefer het pairings, you might want to take a step out into the real world, because you’ll find them everywhere. You can walk down the street and see them in real life. You can turn on any channel on television or walk into any movie theater or open any book in the library and find all the heterosexuality you want, and no one will ever look at you twice. You can’t turn on any channel or walk into any movie theater or open any book in the library and find homosexual romance that isn’t tokenized or stereotyped — hence why people turn to fandom, because unfortunately, they have to use their imagination in 99% of cases where canon does not provide. There is nothing wrong with that at all. And if you honestly feel threatened by that, if you feel like your life is just being overtaken by all this homo, try to think of it in reverse: what it’s like to actually be gay, bisexual, pansexual, or otherwise, and not be able to indulge in media and find characters you can identify with. They’re stereotyped to hell, or their issues are made into spectacles, the cores of their entire being. It’s a very lonely feeling to only see people who are not only different from you but also praised as being “normal” when you want identity and want to feel like you’re not a fucking freak.

So we participate in fandom. If they won’t give us something other than heteronormative bullshit, we’ll take it and make it our own. Got a problem? Get over it. You’ll live. So will your favorite characters and pairings. I promise.

As a note, I totally understand what it’s like when there’s not a lot of fanwork for your favorite pairing, whether it be het, m/m, or f/f — but that has nothing to do with this. If there’s a lack of anything, you don’t need to be blaming it on ~teh yaoiz~ or whateverthefuck people say. That’s not it at all. People just like something different than you do, and that’s life. They’ll write what they wanna write and draw what they wanna draw. It can be a bummer, but I promise you, it has nothing to do with homos ruining your life, so let’s just stop saying shit like that.

@темы: Слэш, цитаты


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Интересный коммент нашла в группе на гудридсах - своего рода альтернативные трактовки тех мест из Библии, где осуждается гомосексуализм. Эта женщина пишет, что училась на священника и специально прорабатывала эти моменты для ответов в дискуссиях как внутри церкви, так и вне ее.

There are seven places in the Bible that specifically mention homosexuality, as opposed to nebulous "sexual morality" rules or regulations concerning heterosexual sexual practices (which are mentioned in the hundreds I might add).

1.)Genesis 19 The story of Sodom and Gomorrah - While traditionally this story is used to condemn homosexuality, many bible scholars tend to agree that it actually condemns the raping of strangers for the purpose of humiliation. The residents of Sodom were going to rape the two angels not because they are homosexual (it is unlikely that an entire city full of men would be homosexual) but rather because they saw that as the most degrading and humiliating act that they could perform upon another person. Lot had provided the hospitality of his house to the two angels and this was one of the most important laws of Jewish society – it was his (and his family’s) responsibility to keep these two men from harm at all costs, once hospitality was offered. Hence the offering of Lot’s daughters (which is twisty all on its own but not the point of what I am talking about here). Therefore, if anything, this passage can be used to condemn rape, humiliation, and lack of hospitality. All of which I am ok with condemning.

2.)Leviticus 18:22 If you look at the context of the passage, Moses is speaking to the Jewish people about how they must act differently than the Egyptians in sexual matters. Using this as a context, as well as the original language clues, in the Hebrew, this passage is condemning gay ritual sex in a Pagan temple and/or two men having sex in a woman’s bed, as these were somewhat commonplace among the Egyptians.

3.)Leviticus 20:13 Used in a similar manner to Leviticus 18:22. NOTE: Both the Levitical passages are preceded and followed by a plethora of other “rules” that are no longer followed or even addressed in modern Christianity: Planting two crops next to each other, sewing two different fabrics into one garment, touching pigskin, etc. If we are to give the verses about homosexuality the weight generally given them, then we also need to be willing to stone people to death for playing football, or for their farming practices, or for wearing any clothing made of modern synthetic material.

4.)Romans 1:26-27 This passage describes a group of heterosexual men, who against their basic nature, engage in same sex behavior during ritual orgies. The Greek word resulting in the phrase usually translated “unnatural” in these verses, is used in one other place in Romans, verse 11:24. In this verse it is used to merely describe something is unusual or unexpected given the group of people being referred to, not something to be condemned.

5.)1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Here, among other people, male prostitutes and sodomites are condemned. The first word, in Greek is malakoi, which is used as a substantive adjective meaning “soft.” Colloquially, this referred to men who made themselves appear to be soft and effeminate in order to engage in exploitative sexual relationships, with both men and women. They are what we might refer to as “call-boys” who would take a passive role with older male partners, for money. The second word, in Greek is Asenokoitai, which is a combination of the word arsen (male) and koite (bed). This would indicate a meaning of “in bed with, lying with, a male.” However, there is no subject. Who lies with the males? In Biblical Greek, often the subject is assumed from a previous phrase. In this case, many scholars agree that it is referring the the malakoi . So a more accurate translation would be “call-boys and the men who lie with them,” but that is a mouthful and is generally translated with the more recognizable, “male prostitutes and sodomites.”

6.)1 Timothy 1:9-10 There are three Greek words here: pornois, arsenokoitais, and andarapodistais. The first generally means male prostitute (similar to malakoi) but also, in some context can simply mean immoral with no reference to sexual activity. We addressed arsenokoitais above. Finally, andarapdistais generally refers to slave dealers and kidnappers (often one and the same). One of the primary duties of young male slaves was often of a sexual nature so these three words together are best translated, “male prostitutes, those who lie with them, and the slave dealers who procure them.”

7.)Jude 1:7 The phrase translated here is “sexual immorality and … unnatural lust.” The first could refer to any number of sexual practices and is not specific. The second, due to word choice in Greek, seems to refer to bestiality rather than homosexuality.

Additionally, if you look in the New Testament when asked what the most important commandment is to love God with all you have and to love your neighbor as yourself. Concluding, in Matthew 22:40, he says, “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” This means that these two commandments encompass and supersede all the Law and the Prophets. Therefore the Levitical practices of holiness and cleanliness, which were meant to demonstrate this love, are no longer necessary, if you are able to show that love without them. Originally, there were no Levitical codes, but the people did not know how to show their love and so they asked for a law to be given to them, and so God gave it to them. It was given to those people, in that time and with his words, Jesus released us from them.

However, if none of this has affected one’s view of the sinfulness (or lack thereof) of homosexuality in modern times, this still does not mean you (as a Christian) get to rail against gay people and call them evil. Throughout the New Testament it says that we are not meant to judge our neighbor lest we be judged and states outright the importance of loving our neighbor, love being one of the ontological characteristics of God. Therefore, even if you believe that homosexuality is the WORST SIN EVER, you are called to love. Only God can judge the righteous. That is not our place.


@темы: цитаты, gay


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Casey also has a magical foreskin.

When he cock docks with any perpetrator, when his foreskin tingles to let him know the criminal he has apprehended is guilty, the magic within his amazing foreskin makes any man tell the truth. What’s more, they forget how and why they told as soon as Casey climaxes, too..

Это саммари - явный сигнал идти спать, да!

@темы: books, цитаты


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Also, the gratuitous fisting scene seemed totally out of place - included purely for kinks rather than showing us anything important about the characters. ©

Я нимагу с этих людей! :weep3:
Ведь и правда же - какое развитие характера можно показать через фистинг (я сразу Special Forces вспоминаю) - а тут автор просто кинкам потакала и все. Вот так вот на кинкфест, бывало, придешь за глубоким смыслом, за содержанием - а там только глубокое проникновение и вот фистинг. Тоже глубокий, наверное. И как быть?

@темы: цитаты, people (are crazy)


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Прочла на прошлой неделе очередной ориджинал - я не знаю, можно ли published books называть ориджиналами или нет - но короче, автор там был мужик (и вроде как точно, а не переодетая женщина, как обычно) - и синонимы для всего абсолютно меня просто добили, а я-то думала, меня уже ничем не удивишь :D
Посмотрела сейчас ревью на гудридс - народ со мной согласен :D

What I learned from this book:

1. A whole new list of terms for jerking off. :D

pump the stump
spank the crank
tug the pug
tickle the pickle
burp the worm

Ну и Алекс всегда в тему, так что...
Фото с фанатами так хорошо отражают наш внутренний мир :lol:

@темы: Фанфики, цитаты, ASkars


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Я плачу и рыдаю! :lol:

Air Force Airman Bryce Callahan reports to the missile silo base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, to take up duties with the Base Security Police Squadron. There he meets Sergeant Todd Claymore, his training partner... who becomes his romantic partner, as well. Their lives settle into a routine as peaceful and pleasant as is possible while they're on active duty.

That peace is broken when a squad of rogue Soviet commandos cross the U.S. border headed straight for Callahan's base, intent on destroying the ICBM missiles. Led by a Soviet general who controls an unsanctioned missile base in the Ural Mountains, the guerrilla action could easily explode into World War III. Caught up in the danger, Callahan and Claymore must face the enemy with courage to stop the attack and an all-out nuclear war.

Ну почему почти во всех милитари ориджиналах есть Soviet commandos, а? Из Ural Mountains :hang::hang::hang:

@темы: Фанфики, цитаты


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Кстати, я все-таки привыкла и от первого лица читать, ничего, можно смириться! :D
Вообще, как в моей любимой цитате у Достоевского - "Подлец человек ко всему привыкает" - золотые слова :D Почти так же жизненно, как другая моя любимая цитата у Тургенева - я дословно ее не помню, но смысл в том, что да, есть люди, которые идут впереди тебя, но оглянись назад - есть и те, кто идут позади. Поэтому иди себе спокойно и не парься :D Если бы у меня был щит - я бы непременно ее там выгравировала :gigi:

Картинка просто так - для услады моего взора и в качестве иллюстрации к прочитанному :tongue:


@темы: Фанфики, цитаты, Generation Kill


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
04.06.2011 в 22:56
Пишет  MouseTheBest:

Иван Грозный убил сына.
Петр Первый убил сына.
Тарас Бульба убил сына.
И только при советской власти Павлик Морозов смог отомстить за всех!

URL записи

:lol: :lol: :lol:

@темы: цитаты


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Смотрим с папой Хроники молодого Индианы Джонса - и туда Нэш прокрался!! :lol: Я так завопила, увидев его фамилию в титрах, что потом пришлось долго объяснять, чем он знаменит, и "ну, тот их первый архитектор в Инсепшне, который их предал и которого Сайто из вертолета выкинул" - как-то не объяснило, почему я так эмоционально восприняла его появление на экране. Специфику фандома и фиков пояснять не стала! :-D

По имсоартурам наконец-то написали фик с тентаклями - этот рубеж преодолен, ололо. Надо зачесть, наверное, если соберусь с духом. Мне любопытно, хотя бы у кого они отросли... :hmm:

Читаю фик:

"Maybe in a while," Eames said, then laughed at Arthur's dirty look. Arthur shut his eyes again, growling his approval when Eames licked the underside of his cock. "Christ, you're gorgeous," he said, unthinkingly.

Arthur's eyes snapped open, and he gave Eames a look that was surprised and guarded. Eames wondered if he should backpedal, or apologize, or something.

Никто не переубедит меня, что Артур просто тоже вспомнил все те ужасные 'God you're so gorgeous' и насторожился и ужаснулся, как бы Имс тоже туда не скатился :lol:

@темы: Фанфики, цитаты, Inception


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Я вообще-то люблю кид-фики, но только без соплей (и мпрега), а когда дети задают всякие прямолинейные неудобные вопросы и вообще всячески смущают :D

"Are you my dad's new boyfriend?" David asked.


"Are you," David repeated slowly as if he were speaking to a foreigner or someone with a mental handicap, "my dad's new boyfriend?"

"Oh, pet, your father and I -" Eames floundered at the eager expression in David's face before shifting uncomfortably in his seat and brushing cookie crumbs from his lap.

"Why, yes, yes of course. I am your dad's new boyfriend." It was a strange thing to be telling a six year old whose concept of homosexuality probably resembled jovial brotherly attachment consisting of nothing more than one-armed hugs and hair-ruffling and the occasional pat on the ass.

@темы: Фанфики, цитаты, Inception


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Господи! *рыдает*
Это все из анонимного meme по Шерлоку! Насчет жжшных глюков:

So, the attacks are politically motivated, then?

Damn you, Putin, you big cock blocker, you.

:weep3: :lol2:

@темы: цитаты, фандом, моска.нет