I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Кстати, товарищи-единомышленники по Мише/Крипке, в новом Крипкинском интервью он так прекрасно о Мише отзывается:
But to have a whole new continent opened up with stuff to explore -- that got everyone really excited. And the ideas just started, the writers' room became a really fun, energetic place to work.
None of that would have meant anything if we hadn't lucked into Misha, who just came in to audition, and [you see on the show] everything he does in that part -- the way he kind of views humans as curious [creatures], that otherworldly thing. He's alien-like; you can really feel that he doesn't have a lot of interaction with humanity. He just brought all that to the role, and he just took off like a shot.
You could tell from the minute we saw the dailies of the season opener last year, we just couldn't believe how good he was and what presence he had and all the depth that he brought to it. And it was just so exciting to see. And then we said, all right, so we've got a cool story line, and then we knew angels were going to end up being [revealed as] bad, so we had this amazing ace in our sleeve to play. And then on top of that Misha was killing it. And so Season 4 felt like a season where everything came together in a really satisfying way.
But to have a whole new continent opened up with stuff to explore -- that got everyone really excited. And the ideas just started, the writers' room became a really fun, energetic place to work.
None of that would have meant anything if we hadn't lucked into Misha, who just came in to audition, and [you see on the show] everything he does in that part -- the way he kind of views humans as curious [creatures], that otherworldly thing. He's alien-like; you can really feel that he doesn't have a lot of interaction with humanity. He just brought all that to the role, and he just took off like a shot.
You could tell from the minute we saw the dailies of the season opener last year, we just couldn't believe how good he was and what presence he had and all the depth that he brought to it. And it was just so exciting to see. And then we said, all right, so we've got a cool story line, and then we knew angels were going to end up being [revealed as] bad, so we had this amazing ace in our sleeve to play. And then on top of that Misha was killing it. And so Season 4 felt like a season where everything came together in a really satisfying way.
Ыыы, мой внутренний шиппер в полнейшем неадеквате от восторга!
Я на твопе в Мишиной темке прочла и поняла, что НАДО поделиться!!!
Ага, Миша поработил и Крипке тоже
Как приятно такое читать
Ага, я считаю, очень заслуженная похвала
Да, они скажут, что Миша нагнул и Крипке тоже - это заговор!!!!!
миссис Норрис
Ага, а Крипке нагнулся, потому что растерялся
Кстати, про рефлекс!
Кстати, да! Рефлекс явно приобретенный, а не врожденный
Да Миша подло просто играет на всех слабостях всей съемочной группы! Он же прочел перед началом 4го сезона, что нравится фанатам - на форумах почерпнул! - и подговорил Дженсена "захимичить" с ним, чтобы втереться в доверие к фанаткам!!! Сотонинский план!
Так все и было!
Вспомнила еще один момент - когда Джареду на какой-то конвенции задали вопрос, знает ли он, что у Миши есть твиттер, он об этом понятия не имел. А Крипке сам спросил на Комик Коне, сколько в аудитории тех, кто читает Мишин твттер. Наверняка это "ж-ж-ж" неспроста!
Конечно! Миша понял, что не все коллеги (и начальство) еще охвачены, провел разъяснительную работу - и вот результат, построил всех во главе с Эриком