Хех, ну лучший способ стараться не писать о негативе - это писать о позитиве
А кто главный источник позитива - Миша ♥♥♥
Во-первых, замечательная
tracy_loo_who выложила капсы из фильма с Мишей
Finding Home и ссылку на скачивание (вместе с паролем на архив -
в этом посте)
А во-вторых, она собрала ссылки на фото, отчеты, видеоролики с конвента с Мишей -
вот тут ![:heart:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
Кое-что я видела, но... AWWWWWWWWWWWW
Снова цитаты - а что вы думали?
Misha's the one who enters the room like a rock star every time, and Castiel gets it from him.
Misha: "Holy shit, there are a lot of you!" Then someone told him that's what Jared had said and he acted all crushed and said, "Dammit, I really wanted just one scrap of original material here tonight" or something like that and then he was told Jared didn't actually swear, so the swearing was original.
He randomly swears. Constantly. Words like shit, fucking, asshole... I know there were others, but he speaks so eloquently that you forget he's cussing.
The staring thing Cas does seemed like a good idea when Misha thought he was going to be on for 6 episodes, but now? Not so much.
He is very flexible, but no. He doesn’t do yoga on a regular basis and he hurt his back on the guest shot for Nip/Tuck.
Misha is sarcastic and sweet, trying not to say too much cos his godson Joey is here.
Someone asked everyone the same question - you have to do a scene completely naked or sing a cappella, which would you choose? He said "Can I do both at the same time?" completely seriously, then laughed. He said naked, and she told him all the guys but Jensen had chosen naked as well. He called Jensen a pussy for choosing singing, and then said they all hang out naked in their trailers. It sort of became a running joke.
Misha is disappointed that Cas always gets bitch slapped and crumbles to the floor. He wonders if it's the first time Cas got hit and the writers didn't think he (Misha) had it in him to fight. Or maybe "Castiel is just a pussy" or "he's a turn the other cheek" kind of guy.
Misha Collins got into acting because his mother produced a lot of theatre plays at his school and always got the lead. In college he would make up accents to confuse people and make people wonder who he really was, see if he could get away with it. He confused his professors a lot, it seems. He then started to talk in a (pretty good) Indian accent.
He talked about the indie movie he did called Moving Alan, which there are clips for on You Tube. It's about a guy who is a soap opera actor who takes too much acid and goes out into the desert homeless and still thinks he’s on the show. He said it was a lot of fun to do, but it'll never be released.
Misha interned at the White House one time because he wanted to go into Politics and hated it. Therefore he pursued a career in acting just for "shits and giggles." When he got two roles really easily, he moved to LA thinking it was that simple. It took him 9 months to get a gig, and that was a small role in "Charmed."
When he read the sсript he thought it was just some teenie CW show but once on set he was in love with it.
The makeup people worked on his hair a lot when he first started, like an hour, but now it's scrunch, scrunch and it's done.
He also mentioned that he thought Kim Manners had a lot to do with the tone of the set, he was the patriarch and it's a good set. He said when a director recently got upset over something, Jensen said something to him, like 'we are doing our best.' He thought that was good, that the stars aren't prima donnas. Not much, he said jokingly. That he's been on sets that were totally opposite. Like Charmed.
While signing a book and being told, "Please note that I did NOT go up and make you recite it." He said, "That was very charitable of you."
And he was very nice to a girl that drew fanart of Castiel, thanking her and saying he really liked it.
The dessert party exploded when he entered, because we all didn't want to get our hopes up that he would actually make it. I thought it was a typo on the schedule. He actually seemed happy to be there. He said that his friends and family don't watch the show (even though he would kind of like them to) so he never gets feedback. He was practically begging to hear our reaction (as it was, mostly screams and squeals and whistles) and seemed genuinely pleased to be recognized.
Misha Collins
Зато вопросы на английском.
И, когда будет много тех, для кого английски - второй, может, потише будет. Ну в самом деле. *святая наивность*
Добраться - это да. Деньги, да и в целом концепция перелета через океан - бр.
О! И можно потом в тур по Острову.
Где мне выйграть миллион?
Автостопом )))))))
Ага, в Англии можно приятное с полезным совместить - и конвент и тур по стране
Автостопом ))))))) Без миллиона иначе нельзя.
Надо более пристально за всем этим следить. Почему, почему отпуск дается только на месяц?