I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Отличный пост у
sulwen про фандом в целом - ОТР, тинхэттерство, шипперство, фики - очень здорово все по полочкам разложено - очевидные, вроде, вещи, но хорошо и логично сформулировано, особенно мне по поводу тинхэттерства понравилось - потому что все правда!
On Fandom
But to them [tinhatters], I say one thing: you're going to be disappointed more often than not. By tinhatting any specific pairing to an extreme level, you're just setting yourself up for heartbreak. Better by far, in my opinion, to put yourself in a position to be as happy as you possibly can. If you're extremely loyal to an OTP, that's perfectly fine - just express those feelings through creative endeavors rather than trying to force your fantasy upon reality.
That's not to say that reality isn't important. I'll squee just as hard over a new picture or quote or vid as the next fangirl. But it's NOT because I'm taking it as "evidence." I'm not looking for what it "means." I see that new bit of canon and get excited because of the stories that can come from it - how it can feed the fantasy. These bits of reality should be the wellspring of inspiration from which we draw - nothing more, and nothing less.
Причем, я, пожалуй, с ней даже по поводу десфиков - я, конечно, считаю, что все авторы рпсных десфиковдолжны гореть в аду глубоко неправы, но... очевидно, это действительно мой очень сильный trigger, поэтому да: надо расписывать все ворнинги от и до, чтобы никто не нарвался - со стороны авторов, и избегать фиков с такими ворнингами изо всех сил - со стороны нервных читателей ))
On Fandom
But to them [tinhatters], I say one thing: you're going to be disappointed more often than not. By tinhatting any specific pairing to an extreme level, you're just setting yourself up for heartbreak. Better by far, in my opinion, to put yourself in a position to be as happy as you possibly can. If you're extremely loyal to an OTP, that's perfectly fine - just express those feelings through creative endeavors rather than trying to force your fantasy upon reality.
That's not to say that reality isn't important. I'll squee just as hard over a new picture or quote or vid as the next fangirl. But it's NOT because I'm taking it as "evidence." I'm not looking for what it "means." I see that new bit of canon and get excited because of the stories that can come from it - how it can feed the fantasy. These bits of reality should be the wellspring of inspiration from which we draw - nothing more, and nothing less.
Причем, я, пожалуй, с ней даже по поводу десфиков - я, конечно, считаю, что все авторы рпсных десфиков
Да, вот это то, что я так билась сформулировать, но так адекватно и не получалось - а тут прямо все мысли с языка сняты )))))