Последний пост, честное слово, последний!!!
Вот тут -
F0RY0URENTERTAINMENT - неплохие HQшные записи с обоих лондонских отжигов Адама, и там даже звук, от которого не глохнешь, а так... терпимый )))
А вообще, мне надо было бы, наверное, взяться и разобрать огромную папку с видео на подпапки по местам выступлений хотя бы... но об этом даже страшно думать, честно говоря
ПС. но как народ подпевал все песни практически - молодцы ))))
ПС2 (читерски впихиваю все в один пост) - клевое финское интервью, из которого я вчера цитату про Билла Каулитца постила:
My mother dragged me out of the closet!My mother dragged me out of the closet!
Miss Mix met Adam Lambert, 29 (lol), in Stockholm and led him to those fundamental questions. The laid-back singer is looking forward to visiting Finland.
What is the most personal song on your album FYE?
"Broken Open. It's about intimacy. About that moment when you dare to break through your protective walls and show someone both your good and your bad sides. The other person tells you everything is okay, I accept you just as you are.
Was it hard to write the song?
"No, it felt good. It was like therapy."
There's a song called Voodoo on the new version of your album. Who would you want to make a voodoo doll of and why?
"Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel! He's so cute, so pretty."
So you're envious of him over something, or why do you want to make a doll?
"No, quite the opposite! I'm attracted to him, he's very lovely! I'd like to meet him. I'd like to go shopping with him!"
You just came here from Germany. Why didn't they set up a meeting?
"He's busy. And straight. Hence the voodoo doll, heh heh!"
Have any of your friends started treating you different since you became famous?
"A couple of my friends were worried that I would lose touch. I had to tell them that it wouldn't happen and that I still love them even though I'm busy. Some of my acquaintances -- that is, not my friends -- suddenly wanted to be really close to me. Didn't work!
Who was your first love?
"My ex-bf, whom I started dating when I was 25. It was wonderful and beautiful. We were together two years."
Why'd you break up?
"I guess we just grew apart. In the end we wanted different things. I learned and matured so much during our relationship. We're still friends. I think that's great."
How did you learn to accept your sexuality when you were young?
"It was hard in my teens. I didn't have anyone to identify with. I didn't know any other gay ppl, not one. There was the internet but no fb or myspace. There were some chatrooms, but I was terrified that I would be found out and someone would know. I felt like an alien, completely different from everybody else. I knew that things would turn out okay eventually, but in school I couldn't talk to anyone about it."
When and how did you tell your family about it?
"My mother dragged me out of the closet! One time she asked me if I had a gf. I said I didn't. "Would you like one?" "No." "Well, do you have a boyfriend?" "No." "Would you like one?" "Yes!" "
That was easy!
"When we talked about it, my mother told me she'd always known I was gay. I asked her why she didn't tell me before. Apparently she'd talked about it with someone and they'd insisted that she shouldn't pressure me, I would tell her when I was ready. I told her she should've just pressured me!"
What kind of advice do you have for readers of Miss Mix who are worried about their own sexual orientation?
"It's hard to be different. If you feel lonely, you should still trust that there are a lot of people like you in the world. One day you'll get to know them and you'll be accepted. Try to focus on positive thinking. If people have negative reactions to you, ignore them. They don't matter."
What are you like in relationships?
"I have a very independent nature. I've always been fine on my own. I was alone for a long time because of that. If I'm not really interested in some guy, I'm really independent. It's been pretty scary to notice how quickly I turn almost co-dependent with my boyfriends. I still have to work on finding a balance between my different sides."
Are you jealous?
"I used to think I wouldn't be. I'm pretty realistic and good at talking about everything, but in the end... yup, fucking jealous! Possessive and jealous."
What do you do when you're struck with jealousy?
"I try to reason my way out of it. Talking about it with the other part usually helps. I've learned a lot about myself and I understand that I have an intense and passionate nature. I'm probably too much to handle from time to time, but that's just how I am. And some people like intense!"
Are you seeing anyone right now?
"No, I'm single."
Do you believe in love at first sight?
"I believe in a strong mutual, instinctual attraction at first sight. That you can sense that someone is special. To fall in love, I have to get to know the guy better first, though."
Describe yourself in three words.
"Intense. Friendly. Chatty."
What would your friends add?
"A little crazy." (laughs)
What things about the way you look were you insecure about when you were a teenager?
"Where do I start? I worried about my weight, my body, my skin -- which is still a bit of an issue -- and about my masculinity. It's important in a different way in America than in Europe. I love the European culture where the concepts of male beauty are different. Here you also appreciate manly beauty and prettiness. [transl. note: yeah, not so much in Finland, bb.]
How did you get over your insecurities?
"In time I understood that those things don't matter. I started noticing the good things about myself and learned to love myself from the inside out. I believe that once you're comfortable in your own skin, you look attractive to other people. Everyone can't look like a model. The most important thing is to accept yourself and to understand that there are more important things in the world than how you look. There's no point trying to be perfect -- no one is."
When and why did you last cry?
"I turn into a baby when I watch movies and tv shows. I was watching s4 of Skins a while ago, the episode where the lesbian couple Naomi and Emily had a touching scene, and of course I started bawling. The acting on Skins is amazing!"
What nicknames do your friends & family have for you?
"My friends & family, nothing, but my fans call me Glambert. I think it suits me!"
Who is the most important person in your life?
(ponders) "Probably my parents as a unit. My family... my mother."
When are you coming to visit your Finnish fans? You're much more popular with us than here in Sweden?
"I heard! You have good taste. Hopefully I can visit soon!"
After the interview it's confirmed that Adam will perform on Finnish X-Factor on the 2nd of May.
Quick analysis of Adam
We gave him a word, Adam replied with the first thing that came to mind.
Scary? - Sadness
Joy? - Singing
Envy? - Happiness
Inspiration? - Glitter
Nature? - Green
Happiness? - Satisfaction
Beauty? - Confidence