После 5.03 народ СТОЛЬКО пвпшек про первый раз пишет, что у меня уже рука устала ээээ... мозг даже устал воспринимать, вот
Но они клевые такие, читаешь, как семечки щелкаешь

В этом вот понравилось:

“Take off your shirt,” he said, and shoved him away a little to strip off his own worn t-shirt. Cas shifted, kneeling facing Dean with their thighs pressed against each other, and reached for this shirt as if to unbutton it. But when he looked at Dean’s bared skin he simply touched his fingers to the knot of his tie and the layers disappeared, coat and shirt and all.


И в конце:

“So,” Dean said when his breath was back, “what was it you came here for?”

Cas turned his head to look at him puzzled for a moment.

“It... seems to have slipped my mind...”