Может, сейчас Рождество или мой ДР или другой какой праздник, который подкрался внезапно?
Мне прямо трудно поверить, что все эти интервью Миши - это просто так, а не в счет подарка к какому-то очень существенному событию!!!
'Supernatural': Misha Collins on Castiel, his meat suit, Dean, Sam & demon blood
Is there any chance we might get some kind of indication on the show what happened, like a comment or a flashback of sorts?
MC: I don’t know how they would do that, because Castiel -- outside of Jimmy’s body -- would be an angel, and we know that angels can’t be seen by human beings without their eyes being burned out. So if they did show that, they would have to burn out the entire viewing audience’s eyes. Which I think would be some sort of liability for the CW.
Not to mention that “Supernatural”’s viewership might take a serious hit.
MC: Exactly. Unless they were starting to make a shift to a purely audio version of the show, like a radio play. In which case, it might actually be a good move because it would save a bundle on production costs.
All the fans could just listen to “Supernatural” on their iPod.
MC: Exactly. [Laughs] I don’t know why I’m not a network executive. These are good ideas!