Вот стоило мне только один день - один! - не быть в интернете, как тут сразу два интервью Миши!!! Я чувствую, либо вселенная что-то пытается сказать мне, либо просто западло

Но так или иначе, я пришла и догоняюсь!

Ten Minutes with Supernatural’s Misha Collins

Cyn: When Castiel returned from his trip “home” he had some rather biting comments for Dean. What exactly happened up there to make him do such a 180?

Misha: I honestly don’t know that much more than you do about why the change in attitude, except for some things that I do know that you don’t know.

Cyn: Could you vague that up a bit more, Misha?

Misha: I’m guessing when I say, I think that [Castiel] was dragged up to heaven and he was tortured or very sternly rebuked in some way that, pardon the expression, put the fear of God back in him and now he’s back to toeing the party line, which is how he started.

I think that’s where Castiel was in episodes one and four of the season. But I think he started to have a lot of doubt and he started to develop a fondness for the boys and concern for their well being and I think that he was dragged back upstairs and. . . there was something a little bit telling in what Anna says. Something to the effect that it’s really, really bad news to be dragged back upstairs and that, to me, makes it sound like maybe there was some waterboarding that went on up there.

TV Fanatic

Немного спойлерно, поэтому под катом


TVFanatic.com: With such critical fans, do you find yourself checking the internet to see their reactions?
Misha: No I'm not an internet guy. I don't google around. My mother will occasionally send me things. She enjoys trolling the internet. I'm not somebody who reads blogs. I barely have time to keep up with my email.

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