Пожалуйста-пожалуйста, извините, нетематические френды!
Уже завтра конвент закончится, а следующий будет только в конце мая, и еще будет время отдохнуть и собраться с духом!!!
Новая порция
1. donotexist - небольшой рассказ, +фотки, +J2 ))
2. scout47 - отчет про всех троих
читать дальше~ MISHA ~
- Misha looked a little stunned by the size of the place when he walked out, and spent a good 30 seconds just staring out into the audience before taking the first question. He seemed really confident and relaxed though, despite saying that his chair was really tough to get up onto :P He had a bottle of water and was having trouble trying to hold the water and mic at the same time so he jokingly asked for a table. Within two seconds one of the hub staff was dragging this really tall, heavy thing across the stage to him. It was really funny and he hopped off the chair to help her at one point
- The general theme of his talk seemed to be the fact that Cas is such a wuss :P He just kept bringing it up again and again and having a lot of fun talking about the fact that while we've seen more powerful angels on the show, we've yet to have seen a wussier angel than Cas :P
He did say though that his clothes have magical restorative qualities so that is surely a testament to his awesome power. (However, he said that those powers of clothing restoration are not perfect, and his tax accountant outfit has gotten dirtier and dirtier as time goes on, and he sometimes finds something in one of the pockets that he put there weeks ago - suggesting that the wardrobe department don't wash the clothes quite as often as they should) :P
- He started throwing Fantales at the crowd but barely got further than the front few rows. It was pretty hysterical, particularly when compared to Jared/Jensen's throws which went WAY further.
- Wasn't a fan of the show before being cast, but has caught up on all the episodes. Some of his favourites were Ghostfacers (which he adored and thought was really cool and clever. He loved that the actors were given cameras etc); A Very Supernatural Christmas; and The Monster at the End of this Book, which he raved about and said he thought was probably the best of the season so far.
- He frequently emails the writers complimenting them and telling them that their episode is the best of the season to date, but he's done it heaps of times now and is worried they'll start comparing emails :P
- He is a member of a club which does fun stuff and goes exploring in new places etc. Has apparently been sailing or kayaking down a river in LA? I cant remember the details of that one, just that there was a boat and it was in LA. Someone else can correct me on that. It just sounded really awesome.
- If he could play any other character in the show it would be "Dean". No hesitation.
- He mentioned that he thought "a fan" referenced in the latest ep was real. The audience yelled out "Simpatico" and someone else shouted that he was on TWoP. He said he'd love to go online and look for him, and got all excited about the prospect of turning the tables and "stalking" a fan :P
- In general he was really chatty, very witty and clever, and always had unexpected answers to the questions. Really entertaining and he just seems to take everything in stride, including a slightly odd question about slash fic which he dodged quite well. (It was something about a whole 'verse of fiction dealing with his human vessel and how the vessel is in love with Dean etc. I think it was the only slightly awkward moment of his Q&A).
I missed out on Jared and Jensen photos, but got one with Misha. It was really rushed last minute and I kinda went mute the minute I stepped up to him and couldn't squeak out more than a general "hi", so it was relatively uneventful. He was really nice though, and really tall!
Misha was again kinda uneventful because he spent most of the time while signing my pic carrying on a lively conversation with Jared who was sitting at another table. They looked like they got along really well (and I have no recollection of what the conversation was about)
3. katysam - много-много мегафоток
Пожалуйста-пожалуйста, извините, нетематические френды!
Уже завтра конвент закончится, а следующий будет только в конце мая, и еще будет время отдохнуть и собраться с духом!!!
Новая порция
1. donotexist - небольшой рассказ, +фотки, +J2 ))
2. scout47 - отчет про всех троих
читать дальше
3. katysam - много-много мегафоток
Уже завтра конвент закончится, а следующий будет только в конце мая, и еще будет время отдохнуть и собраться с духом!!!
Новая порция
1. donotexist - небольшой рассказ, +фотки, +J2 ))
2. scout47 - отчет про всех троих
читать дальше
3. katysam - много-много мегафоток