Как справедливо замечают наши зарубежные друзья - Thus begins another epic Misha!con-roundup

No queue for questions, Misha enjoying sending staff running through the audience.

Misha was giving his microphone to people in front row. First time he sat back on his chair he spun it right round like a kid. So cute!

Some chick just asked Misha about slash and told him about Dean/Castiel slash in detail. (Walter = ridiculous name, Dean/vessel = Do Not Want) -- Note: I have no idea if this was the question or the answer. :P

Cas is an incompetent wuss. More Cas!whump due.

Misha loved episode 18, especially Chuck. Wants to stalk Simpatico. (Wouldn't it be fun to stalk a fan? Stalk them to the shops...) Misha was highly amused by the thought of actors stalking their fans for a change. No shortage of volunteers, of course.

Q: What should Castiel's theme song be?
Misha: "?" *shrug*
Random audience member: "Macho Man"
Everyone: LOL

Can I have a table... and a pony?

Q: If you could play a character other than Castiel, who would it be?
A: Dean. no hesitation at all.

SPN gave him nightmares!

He likes how perceptive we are of Castiel's emotions.

Castiel has a group of crony ponies protecting him. They are on the show all the time. They are invisible.

The idea for angels came to Kripke in the bathroom...

Misha's process: he pretends he's an angel. Constantly mocking his lack of fight skills, hee!

Using the long words again Misha. A lot of freedom in how they go about their performance.

Angels magically mend their clothes.

We haven't met God, maybe he jumped off a cloud after creating mankind (someone else suggested he was talking about angels)?

Q: Have you ever considered standup?
A: Looong pause. I'm considering it now.

Q: Who would you cast as Lucifer?
A: Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana).

Misha's fave colour is orange.

Before leaving Misha throws candy at the audience. Adorable and funny guy.

Как здорово, что есть Трейси, которая собирает всю инфу вместе!!!

Несколько фоток там же, и еще твиттер darksilvercat