Вышла в окно от восторга
The water suddenly vanished. The sound of the shower softened and the acoustics in the bathroom totally changed, falling almost silent for the first time since they’d stepped inside. Surprised, Dean looked up and saw that Castiel had curled over so that his wings were catching the torrent, preventing it from falling straight down, siphoning the liquid down each wingtip in tiny waterfalls on either side of Dean.
The canopy above his head was so beautiful that he almost stopped breathing. He’d felt the sensation before, having being wrapped in Castiel’s wings time and again: it was like being under the roof of a church. Sunlight filtered through feathers and illuminated shafts and points, delicate wingbones and veins, and as he stared the wings quivered slightly under the force of the water.
Продолжение Melting verse - как же хорошо, что автор сдалась и стала делать хэппи-энды, так что я жду новый частей, как и положено: с восторгом, а не с содроганием! Потому что пишет она офигенно клево
| воскресенье, 21 декабря 2008