Прихожусь частым бреднем по кинкам от конца к началу, буду кидать сюда то, что понравилось - если что, потом обновлю пост, чтоб не зафлуживать слишком уж

Clint/Coulson AU

AU where Clint doesn't work for S.H.I.E.L.D but is with Coulson.
Clint is kidnapped/taken hostage to get to Coulson.
(Because BAMF Protective!Coulson is pretty much the best thing ever!)

The other Avengers don't know about Coulson's personal life (and Clint) until it happens but rally around him to help.


Clint/Coulson, deaf!Hawkeye

So I just found out that apparently Hawkeye (in the comics) was written as deaf, at one point. I'd love to see something with this, maybe using his super-sight to make up for lack of hearing, Coulson using his strong and capable hands (IT'S A THING OK) to sign...

Это не с кинков, потому что я параллельно пытаюсь еще и АО3 охватить - но просто очень классный фик!

The Nesting Habits of the Wild North American Barton

He's not a bird. He's a human. He just likes to be alone.


Clint/Coulson, Coulson's mom turns up

I just want crack with Coulson's mom. She knows all about SHIELD because she's an ex-agent, so when she hears that Phil's been injured, she walks into the place like she owns it.

Bonus points for Tony wondering why she seems so concerned about Clint and her being all "Because I happen to be very fond of my son-in-law, Mr Stark, do you have a problem with that?"

Extra bonus points if she calls Fury "Nicholas."

Мне больше первое исполнение понравилось, но второе тоже неплохое.


Clint/Coulson, hallucinating

Coulson isn't dead - well, he was for 30 seconds or so. He's been in intensive care, but Fury told everyone that he died so as to give them purpose.
So when he gets better, he turns up to see Clint. And Clint just... let's him in. Talks to him quite casually. "I got a new bow." "Cup of coffee for you, drink it before it gets cold." "We took Steve to see the Dodgers last week, I think he really liked it."
Phil is terribly confused until Clint just looks up at him with the tiniest frown on his face and says, very quietly, "You never usually stay this long."


second fill


Coulson/team, hurt/comfort

Coulson is alive, but he's badly hurt. After the events of the movie, the team take him down to Stark Tower and fuss over him a lot while he convalesces. Any pairings or gen, though if you can fit in tender being-careful-of-injuries sex, so much the better.