Очень клевый отчет про фотоупсы, много про Мишу: oh-whimsical.livejournal.com/80155.html
1) Misha is even more gorgeous in person. I didn't even know that was possible. He was so sweet, though. I wore my Jesus BRB shirt, and the lady who was volunteering at the autograph table grabbed me and was laughing hysterically about it. She pointed out my shirt to Misha's bodyguard, who was like, "I gotta take a picture of that." Then she pointed me out to MISHA, who stared at my shirt... stared at me... started back at my shirt... stared back and me... and said, "That's pretty much the best thing ever." I melted. I didn't even know what to do with myself. So I gave him his rainbow lei, and he talked to me about Hawaii for a second, then he signed my picture <3 Misha (BRB).
And here's the awesome op I had with Kurt Fuller and Misha, with the said Jesus shirt. I got to the op after it was done (which is fucked up because the paper said it started at 2:20. I got there at 2:27, and they were done. Bullllshit.), but they went and got Kurt and Misha back for me. It was the first time I saw Misha that day, and it was crazy because I barely had time to register that it was him. I nestled myself between them and said, "I've ruined everything!" Kurt was all, "Nooo you didn't!" Misha? "Yes, you've ruined our entire day!" As we parted, he looked right at me and said, "I'm glad we could work this out."
I love him.
5) I stole Misha's empty Starbucks cup. Yep. There was beer in it, not coffee, which is pretty much the most amazing thing I've ever heard of. He was getting drunk during the Meet & Greet. I fucking love this man. And he sat RIGHT. NEXT. TO. ME. I was INCHES away from his face, and it was beautiful. His eyes are SO blue, and his scruff is just perfect, and his nose crinkles adorably when he laughs. And I couldn't stop staring at his hands <3
There's the cup. So technically, I've KISSED MISHA bahahahahaha.
8) AJ and Travis are attractive. I'm just sayin. And Travis is so spastic! They showed us a clip from the new Ghostfacers webisodes that will be starting on the same day as the 100th ep, and we at the con were the first to see it! It looks HILARIOUS, so genius! They told a story about how they filmed something with Misha, where Cas meets the Ghostfacers. At one point, Cas is supposed to disappear, and I guess when Travis walked into the room, Misha really DID disappear.
Travis: He found some sort of, like...
AJ: He found a little nook in the corner of the room.
Travis: Yeah, like, he hid behind a vacuum or something, and I was like, Where's Misha? And he popped up and was like, HERE I AM!
10) I just want to re-iterate, that I sat RIGHT NEXT TO MISHA COLLINS FOR AN HOUR AT A VERY SMALL ROUND TABLE. I opened a can of Coke at one point, and it made it's ridiculously loud popping noise. Misha stopped and looked at me and said, "Wow! That was LOUD." I was okay with it. He also talked about his time as an EMT. He was pretty much fully trained, but he failed his field test. Apparently, a guy came in with a knife wound, and his intestines were spilling out. They had to open his chest, and Misha started to pass out, and he balanced himself by putting his hand out on the tray of surgical tools. Wah wahhhhh. "That was how my career as an EMT ended." He also talked about bike rides, neurology, bombs, children (he was a "manny" when he was in college), terrorist cells, hiking, Compton,
13) A girl at the meet & greet mentioned she was a nanny for two kids named Nicole and Sasha.
Misha: Oh, that's my brother's name! ... Not Nicole.
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