
I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Дженсен, это двусмысленная поза. Двусмысленная поза - это Дженсен. Познакомьтесь :-D

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© chaouens

@темы: Jensen Ackles


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Это все должны увидеть :cool:


(c) PollySPN

@темы: Misha Collins


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Как мне понравилось, как Тони про Утера говорит - блин, да, вот я так же о нем и думаю!!!

“I’m not a bad guy on the show. People come up to me on the streets and claim that I am, but I’m not. If you think about it logically, you have a famine. Arthur says that the supplies are running out and I say, ‘We’ll stop giving it to the people and save it for the army.’ He says, ‘What are you talking about?’ ‘We’ve got to have an army.’ ‘What’s the point? If we haven’t got a kingdom to protect, what’s the point of an army?’ ‘You cannot let your army die, then we’ll be invaded and overrun.’ To Uther this makes perfect sense, but it makes him out to be this terrible man who cares about his army more than his people. But things like that make it a much more interesting character to play, that everything that I do comes out of a realism and necessity. It’s a very tenuous time.”

“He feels strongly about anybody practicing magic, because as far as he’s concerned, they cannot differentiate between good magic and bad magic. Anybody that practices magic, is automatically drawn to the dark side. Which makes perfect sense, in which case stamp them out, eradicate, get rid of them, because they won’t be able to help themselves. And you’re living in times when the only way to vanquish them was to cut their heads off. By his very nature, he’s the protagonist, the catalyst that enables our world to turn, because without him, without conflict, there would be nothing to actually create the situations that Merlin finds himself in. The fact that what he does it elicit, the fact that Merlin is an outlaw inside this world, makes for an interesting tale.”

@темы: Anthony Head, Merlin


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Да, про прекрасное - про Джуда Лоу! :heart: Мы посмотрели Repo men.

На всякий случай прячу спойлеры под кат!

@музыка: Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment

@темы: Jude Law, Кино


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Еще 13 мишефоточек: angels-cordy.livejournal.com/128464.html


@темы: Misha Collins


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Отличный клип про Хотча - снова на Broken - но классный, как я его раньше пропустила? :nope:

@темы: Criminal Minds


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Еще отчет про Мишино выступление: janie-tangerine.livejournal.com/267659.html

Misha got started at 14.50 and it was hysterical. The presenter was an idiot but thankfully there was no interpreter and IT WASN'T HIM BEING SAID INTERPRETER so who cares. Sadly I managed to realized how to take good pictures AT THE OTHER PANEL so all my Misha ones are UTTER crap but he has another one tomorrow so I'll try to take better ones.

That said, that man is like.. ohgod. I still think he shines on his own or something, every time he smiled I was like AWWWWWWWWWWW or something. (Side note: two friends caught him running after the ops. Apparently he has great legs. I don't doubt that.)

Anyway, I took notes during the panel since I couldn't take decent pics anyway, so this is a run-down. Some of this I already said on Twitter but it isn't a problem to reiterate.

- He defined Roman ruins as quite spectacular;
- After that there was some cracky stuff going on with the Valentino guy who managed microphones and couldn't do something and he joked that the guy had a great future somewhere;
- Someone asked him what does drinking angel blood do and he said it's like Red Bull tenfold and that if someone finds out next season Cas'll end up anemic.
- Someone asked him to share funny jokes on set and he went like 'banana, knock knock, banana'.
- Jared tries to crack him up when he has to do close-ups and he has to bite his cheeks in order to keep a straight face; also Jared was totally doing footsie at him under the table during My Bloody Valentine;
- To get back at him he tried to get someone from the police to like take away Jared's car he didn't manage it;
- He doesn't know zilch about S6 or his role in it;
- They asked him if he'd go some other country to see another celebrity (like us) and he said Cindy Lauper
- A girl cosplaying as Cas said it was her first come, he asked if it was a virgin experience and if they were trying to waste his time and she said she paid for it; then he brought her on stage and FIXED HER TIE and at some point she said 'I'll just wait here then' and idk if he didn't get it or if he was pretending not to, but he was like 'why are you all laughing like maniacs?'.
- Castiel is like the SPCA of the angel world and he wants to protect humans and little animals;
- They asked him how he thinks his search for God should end and he said he had this fantasy where since Dean was Michael's vessel and Sam's Lucifer, HE should have been God's because no one else could've done it better;
- When asked when he decided that Cas was a good role he answered that no one should assumes he did assume it;
- Castiel is an anal character, when Jared isn't showing a broomstick up his ass (literal), but for him the farther a character is from him (and he's not charming lolol) the easier it is for him to play it;
- He said that 24 fact about someone thinking he was Serbian until episode 6 which is on IMDB too so I didn't note that, sorry XD
- He feels weird re the minions, but his secret message is that he wants to shoot a tv show starring minions.

Aka, worst phrasing ever. First the place went down with laughter, then he answered that he does human stuff like drinking or clerical stuff like cleaning houses and that he loves movies, especially rom-coms. He also loves Gerald Butler and Sex and the City, and he borrows STICKY S&C dvds from Dean.
- Some Russian girl asked him which was Cas' theme song and he ended up half-speaking/singing in Russian and choosing a song which is apparently about crocodiles and ice cream; some other Russian girl had it on her MP3 and he went off stage to bring the mike there and we got to listen to the music at least, and he talked some more Russian and ha, nice, I didn't get a thing;
- Angels are mostly dicks but he was sorry for Anna dying, but then again she was a woman regular and she had to die, at which everyone went down laughing like a maniac;
- When asked if Cas will lose his virginity in S5 he said that he's not junkless and he'll ask to do a full-frontal in S6 to prove it, and that it'll happen next time Dean says he is. In front of the latter.
- He'd love to have laser eyes as a superpower so to see under other people's clothes, and since he was six;
- He said he doesn't know where Switzerland is (liar, but it was obv.);
- He wants a Cas spinoff after S5 or that Cas becomes more human and mingles more and more with Jimmy, who isn't exactly dead either even if his life sucks, and he'd like him to get back to his wife and daughter but Amelia's probably remarried (at that point someone said Jimmy's boring and I clearly shouted WHAT THE HELL at them), anyway there's some Jimmy left in Cas for sure.

Then I like ran like hell for the photo op which was kind of quick thankfully and OMG HE'S LIKE THE SWEETEST THING EVER HE ASKED ME HOW I WAS AND HE HAD AN ARM AROUND MY WAIST AND I HAD ONE AROUND HIS AND HI. WHEN I GOT OUT I WAS LITERALLY FLOATING. HE FREAKING SHINES. AND HIS EYES, OMG. I was so freaked for it and he was like so NICE. I love him. God. I do.

@темы: Misha Collins


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Ну наши здорово зажигают, чувствуется :D

Ужасно жду отчетов :D

@темы: фандом, Supernatural


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Какой прелестный фотоупс с Мишей в виде пасхального кролика :lol:

© jiiaffa

@темы: Misha Collins


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Так, ну про эту серию Менталиста тоже хочется немножко подробнее написать - соскучилась после хиатуса, что ли :D

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@темы: The Mentalist


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Патрик/чай - ОТР! :lol:
Я так люблю, как он везде сразу же идет на кухню и делает чашечку :small:

@темы: The Mentalist


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Они видят, они просто не могут не видеть! :-D

О, ЛОЛ, а то контр-секрет к тому секрету с наших фандомсикретсов, над которым все ржали - сэмогейб без динокаса: i41.tinypic.com/wi8t42.jpg

@темы: Supernatural, Castiel


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
:-D :-D :-D

@темы: RDJude, Sherlock Holmes


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Я не знаю, как у нас с этим дела обстоят, но у зарубежников - именно так, я согласна с автором: In my experience, Jensen fangirls tend to focus on how dreamy Jensen is when they go batshit. Jared fangirls tend to attack Jensen fangirls when they go batshit. :lol: :lol: :lol:

@темы: фандом, Jensen Ackles


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Про этот эпизод в кои-то веки хочется написать как следует и поподробнее - чем и займусь! :D

long 5x16 rambling

@музыка: Rihanna - Rude Boy

@темы: Supernatural, Castiel


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Я поняла, что еще меня пленило в МакГи - он левша :lol: А я чувствую, что последнее время западаю сплошь на левшей - Хотч, Утер... наверное, это что-то фрейдистское :lol:

@темы: моска.нет


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Мне порой кажется, что самые ярые спойлер-фри спойлерфрятся просто принципиально уже, чтобы реноме поддержать :lol:

Потому что я могу понять нежелание знать синопсис эпизода, персонажей, которые там появятся (если это что-то конкретное, а не банальные "жертвы недели"), но вот кто бы мне объяснил, в чем проблема в названиях??? :lol: Я пролистнула все названия вышедших эпизодов 5го сезона СПН, и только первый - Sympathy for the Devil - может каким-то образом намекнуть, что там будет что-то о дьяволе, но как бы судя по тому, на каким моменте завершился четвертый сезон, это, в общем-то, логично предполагается и без названия. А все остальные никоим образом элементов содержания не выдает, ну что можно такого спойлерного узнать из The Song Remains the Same или My Bloody Valentine??? О.о

Причем, некоторые люди так вопят, что мне даже любопытно, а как вот они начинают эпизод смотреть, и блин - сразу!название! И целый эпизод фактически отравлен спойлерным знанием, как выживать в таких условиях? :lol:

В ту же кучу, кстати, идут обычные спойлерные фотки, типа - Дин стоит с пистолетом в руке, Сэм сидит за ноутбуком, Кастиэль идет по коридору... Ну что в этом такого, что может испортить удовольствие или элемент неожиданности от эпизода? О_о

@темы: Мысли вслух


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Какой Хотч на промофотке к след. эпизоду

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@темы: Criminal Minds


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Очень клевый отчет про фотоупсы, много про Мишу: oh-whimsical.livejournal.com/80155.html

1) Misha is even more gorgeous in person. I didn't even know that was possible. He was so sweet, though. I wore my Jesus BRB shirt, and the lady who was volunteering at the autograph table grabbed me and was laughing hysterically about it. She pointed out my shirt to Misha's bodyguard, who was like, "I gotta take a picture of that." Then she pointed me out to MISHA, who stared at my shirt... stared at me... started back at my shirt... stared back and me... and said, "That's pretty much the best thing ever." I melted. I didn't even know what to do with myself. So I gave him his rainbow lei, and he talked to me about Hawaii for a second, then he signed my picture <3 Misha (BRB).

And here's the awesome op I had with Kurt Fuller and Misha, with the said Jesus shirt. I got to the op after it was done (which is fucked up because the paper said it started at 2:20. I got there at 2:27, and they were done. Bullllshit.), but they went and got Kurt and Misha back for me. It was the first time I saw Misha that day, and it was crazy because I barely had time to register that it was him. I nestled myself between them and said, "I've ruined everything!" Kurt was all, "Nooo you didn't!" Misha? "Yes, you've ruined our entire day!" As we parted, he looked right at me and said, "I'm glad we could work this out."

I love him.

5) I stole Misha's empty Starbucks cup. Yep. There was beer in it, not coffee, which is pretty much the most amazing thing I've ever heard of. He was getting drunk during the Meet & Greet. I fucking love this man. And he sat RIGHT. NEXT. TO. ME. I was INCHES away from his face, and it was beautiful. His eyes are SO blue, and his scruff is just perfect, and his nose crinkles adorably when he laughs. And I couldn't stop staring at his hands <3

There's the cup. So technically, I've KISSED MISHA bahahahahaha.

8) AJ and Travis are attractive. I'm just sayin. And Travis is so spastic! They showed us a clip from the new Ghostfacers webisodes that will be starting on the same day as the 100th ep, and we at the con were the first to see it! It looks HILARIOUS, so genius! They told a story about how they filmed something with Misha, where Cas meets the Ghostfacers. At one point, Cas is supposed to disappear, and I guess when Travis walked into the room, Misha really DID disappear.

Travis: He found some sort of, like...
AJ: He found a little nook in the corner of the room.
Travis: Yeah, like, he hid behind a vacuum or something, and I was like, Where's Misha? And he popped up and was like, HERE I AM!

10) I just want to re-iterate, that I sat RIGHT NEXT TO MISHA COLLINS FOR AN HOUR AT A VERY SMALL ROUND TABLE. I opened a can of Coke at one point, and it made it's ridiculously loud popping noise. Misha stopped and looked at me and said, "Wow! That was LOUD." I was okay with it. He also talked about his time as an EMT. He was pretty much fully trained, but he failed his field test. Apparently, a guy came in with a knife wound, and his intestines were spilling out. They had to open his chest, and Misha started to pass out, and he balanced himself by putting his hand out on the tray of surgical tools. Wah wahhhhh. "That was how my career as an EMT ended." He also talked about bike rides, neurology, bombs, children (he was a "manny" when he was in college), terrorist cells, hiking, Compton,

13) A girl at the meet & greet mentioned she was a nanny for two kids named Nicole and Sasha.

Misha: Oh, that's my brother's name! ... Not Nicole.

Пойду попрошусь к ней в друзья - может, прокатит, а то хочу репорт про meet&greet прочитать :rolleyes:

@темы: Misha Collins


I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
В фандомсикретсах акция позитива по поводу 1го апреля и они вешают только позитивные секреты, и этот :heart: Я ведь даже как-то и не заметила поначалу!!!

@темы: NCIS