Seeking Redemption
Там намеки на Дин/Аластор, но совершенно незначительные намеки и суть не в этом. А в том, насколько хреново сейчас Дину - и в моем идеальном мире, конечно, в последнюю минуту явится Кастиэль и все исправит (надо подтолкнуть автора к идее сиквела
Sam should never know about those things, Dean has always tried to save Sam from the truth: from Dad’s job, from knowing about their lack of money, from Sam’s supposed Destiny.
Dean was a fool. Is the biggest joke the universe has ever spun.
His brother knew. Knew about the demon blood for a freaking year, and all the while played Dean like a sap.
Learned to live without him, just give his brother a demon to fuck and all’s right in the Sam Winchester world of demon-hunting. Learned to live without him, just gave up looking for a way to save Dean from Hell. Not even four months before he gave up on Dean.
Four months.
That meant in less than one-hundred and twenty-two days his brother gave him up to rot in Hell.
When all said in done that meant two-thousand nine-hundred and twenty-eight hours of time passed, and with sleep and the necessities of living making that even less, before the brother he gave up his life and soul for, walked away from him.
He called for Sam for thirty years.